Everyone is on a spiritual journey either towards God or away from Him. And wherever you are on that journey, you are welcomed and accepted. Cru is a safe place where you can ask questions, share doubts and investigate the God of the Bible. We do not pretend to have all the answers, but we do believe that God created us to know Him personally and life was meant to be lived in relationship with Him.
Cru is also a place for those who have discovered this life-changing relationship and want to grow in spiritual maturity and make a difference for Christ on campus.
Nobody wants to journey alone. Cru has tons of ways for you to connect to other like-minded friends and experience authentic community. We offer weekly meetings, Bible studies, retreats, social events, intramural sports teams, summer mission opportunities and so many other fun things.
History of Cru
Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) is an interdenominational ministry that was established in 1951 at the campus of UCLA by Bill and Vonette Bright. Cru is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by winning people to Christ, building them up in their faith and sending them out to win and build others. There are over 1,100 campus ministries nationwide and Cru has a ministry presence in 191 countries.
God has done some amazing things on campus here at NC State since our current Campus Director Mike Mehaffie arrived over 30 years ago! In 1981, there were 30 students involved and only 4 staff. After lots of prayer, Mike saw the ministry grow from 100 to 800 students from 1995-2000.
We now average about 1,400 students at our first few weekly meetings and taper off to about 800-1,000 by late fall. We have around 1,000 students involved in Bible studies and 200 student leaders. We are grateful for what the Lord has done and will continue to do!
What We Believe
Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) is an inter-denominational Christian ministry that holds to historic Christian beliefs including the authority and inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, the Trinity, and salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone. A more detailed doctrinal statement can be found here. While we do ask that students who lead with Cru affirm these core beliefs, we also invite involvement from students who do not share our particular theological perspective. YOU ARE WELCOME IN CRU REGARDLESS OF BACKGROUND OR BELIEFS.
Help fulfill the Great Commission by WINNING people to faith in Jesus Christ, BUILDING them in their faith, and SENDING them to WIN, BUILD and SEND others.
A commitment to prayer because we know that apart from Him we can do nothing.
Give every student a chance to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Coming alongside students to help them grow in their faith and teach them how to walk with God for a lifetime.
Casting vision for God to use students on campus and in their future spheres of influence around the world.

A commitment to prayer because we know that apart from Him we can do nothing.

Give every student a chance to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Coming alongside students to help them grow in their faith and teach them how to walk with God for a lifetime.

Casting vision for God to use students on campus and in their future spheres of influence around the world.